Wednesday, April 27, 2011

This Dancer Looks Like That Dancer

The National Police Gazette, New York, N.Y. 12/4/1915

Proofing was rather lax in the past. This is the only mention of Lina Cavalieri mentioned in the entire tabloid (mostly a sporting paper) and it is a photo of Guerrero. There is a great resemblance between the two in early Reutlinger photos.

I've seen contemporary newspaper articles on Guerrero containing photos of the Australian dancer Saharet. In fact, there is a book called Der Tanz, I think published in the 1920s or 1930s, where she is represented by a photograph of Saharet. Saharet, though a can-can dancer, was photographed many times in Spanish costume. 

There is one photo postcard of Guerrero, where "Cavalieri" is airbrushed out and "Guerrero" is typed in.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cigarette Card of the Day 4/26/2011. Ogerau continued.

Another photo by Ogerau from the same sitting:

BATS. Guéréro.

Real Photo Postcard of the Day ~ Ogerau, photgrapher 4/26/2011

Some of the earliest images of Guerrero were taken in Paris by the photographer Ogerau. These are circa 1898.

NPG; #0124. Photograph by Ogerau 1898. Hand-tinted.

NPG; #0124. Photograph by Ogerau 1898. Hand-tinted.

The image also offered as tobacco or cigarette cards.

BATS. Guéréro.

Ogden's Guinea Gold Cigarettes.Guerrero.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Random Guerrero

This oil painting was up for auction on eBay a few years ago. According to the description, it was painted in the 1940s by W. Gamburtzew “after the famous German Expressionest - Herman Kaulbach of a portrait of a celebrity of the day.” A painted copy of the mis-identified Herman Kaulbach edition of the Friedrich August von Kaulbach postcard. I bid on the painting, but it didn't make the reserve.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bathing Beauty Image of the Day 4/15/2011

Composite card with photo by Reutlinger: S.I.P. #1080. Wonderful hand-tinted port-hole frame and lake scene background.


This next postcard is the same card but with applied red felt and the remnants of glitter.

 S.I.P. #1080. With applied red felt and the remnants of glitter.

Friedrich August von Kaulbach portraits of Guerrero as Carmen

Rosario Guerrero als 'Carmen" 1908

This was at auction in Hannover in 1991. The Dancer Rosario Guerrero as Carmen circa 1908.

On the slipcase of a 1910 monograph of Kaulbach

and the reproduction inside the same book.